Healing after a Relationship with a Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, or Other Domestic Abuser
At AbuseCare, we are passionate about helping women heal after a toxic relationship and become the person that God designed them to be. We love when women move from victim to victorious! Healing takes time and work. It takes recognizing the tactics and patterns of abuse. It takes knowing that you are not responsible for his abuse. It takes rejecting the lies and cruelty that the abuser showed and accepting that the God of the Universe adores you just the way you are. Healing takes a change in perspective. Healing takes being surrounded by good people who see the good in you and who affirm and love you. Healing takes knowing your identity as a beloved daughter of the King of Kings. And it takes getting out of a toxic relationship and surrounding yourself with good, healthy relationships. We offer articles, resources and one-on-one coaching to assist in the healing process.
At AbuseCare, we are also passionate about educating and equipping pastors and church leaders on domestic abuse. Pastors and church leaders are often “first responders” to women escaping abuse. But all too often, pastors and church leaders are uninformed about domestic abuse and cannot offer informed advice or healing words. We educate and equip pastors and church leaders on the tactics and characteristics of abusers, the effect on victims, and how to address abuse in a Biblical approach that protects and supports the victim, protects the church from slander and divisions, ensures legal requirements are met, holds the abuser accountable and, if possible, leads the abuser to true repentance (although this is extremely rare). We offer presentations, sermons, workshops, and seminars to churches, women’s groups, seminaries, and colleges.
Finally, we are passionate about raising awareness of domestic abuse and providing real solutions to change our culture from abuse to respect and from supporting the abuser to protecting the victim. We offer presentations, workshops, and seminars to educate and equip bar associations, professional associations, colleges and universities, high schools, community groups, non-profit organizations, and businesses.

Charlene D. Quint, J.D.
Founder and Certified Domestic Violence Professional
Charlene Quint, J.D. is a Certified Domestic Violence Professional who coaches victims of domestic violence. Drawing on her extensive legal and financial background, and using faith-based principles, she helps women understand these complex toxic relationships, and helps them heal and overcome to lead lives of victory.
Ms. Quint is also an attorney specializing in representing women who are escaping abusive marriages and relationships, including obtaining orders of protection and divorce. She speaks publicly to community groups, clergy, counselors, attorneys, educators, and other professionals to educate and equip them in the area of domestic abuse. She is passionate about reaching the church, including clergy, church leaders, and lay leaders about domestic abuse that is so prevalent, yet also largely ignored, in the church. She co-chairs the Partnership for a Safer Lake County, a consortium of organizations in Lake County, Illinois, whose goal is to stop violence in all forms, and leads nation-wide support groups and Bible studies for women healing from domestic abuse. Ms. Quint was awarded the Augustana College Humanitarian Award for her work with survivors of domestic abuse.
Prior to representing victims of domestic abuse, Ms. Quint practiced corporate law with a large Chicago firm. She also served as the Chief Financial Officer of an independent publishing house.
Ms. Quint was married for 21 years to a successful businessman who was also a wealthy, sociopathic, diagnosed Narcissist. They lived in the affluent town of Lake Forest, Illinois, had two children together, and attended a large, non-denominational church where Charlene served as a deacon, Sunday School teacher, short-term mission leader, and leader in women’s ministries. She also served on the Board of Regents at Trinity International University, a Christian university, and on the board of directors at Au Sable Institute, a Christian institute of higher education. In 2012, she fled her home with only an overnight bag and went into hiding for two years.
Charlene is the author of three inspirational books: Angels of Ebermannstadt (DeepRiver Books 2012), Blessings, Prayers and Heart Songs (DeepRiver Books 2014) and the award-winning Overcoming the Narcissist, Sociopath, Psychopath, and Other Domestic Abusers: The Comprehensive Handbook to Recognize, Remove, and Recover from Abuse (Redemption Press 2020).
Next Steps…
If you would like more information on AbuseCare, scheduling a presentation or workshop, one-on-one coaching, one-on-one divorce coaching, or our Bible studies and support groups, contact us now at 847-624-1511 or drop us an email at [email protected].