Articles & Works by Charlene Quint
Family Celebrations (contributing author) (2018 Andrews McMeel Publishing)
Blessings, Prayers, and Heart Songs (2014 DeepRiver Books)
Angels of Ebermannstadt (2012 DeepRiver Books)
A Safe Place – provides shelter, court advocacy, referrals, supervised visits and exchanges, and counseling for victims of domestic violence, also provides abuser counseling, 2710 17th St, Zion, IL 60099, 847-741-7165, 24 hour hotline: 847-249-4450
Zacharias Sexual Abuse Center – provides counseling for victims of sexual assault and abuse,, 4275 Old Grand Ave, Gurnee, IL 60031, 847-244-1187, 24 hour hotline 847-872-7799
Shalva – offers domestic abuse counseling to the metropolitan Chicago Jewish community,, 24 hour crisis line: 773-583-4673
Stepping Stones – provides education, prevention, protection, and restorative services for victims of sex trafficking,,
D100 – the legal advocacy arm of A Safe Place to obtain Domestic Violence Order of Protection, Civil No Contact Order and Stalking No Contact Order, located in Lake County Courthouse near court room C-207, 18 N. County St, Waukegan, IL 60085, 847-360-6471
National Domestic Violence Hotline –, 24 hour hotline: 800-299-7233
Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence –, 806 S. College St., Springfield, IL 62704, 217-789-2830, Help Line: 877-863-6338
Chicago Metropolitan Battered Women’s Network – provides programs and resources for victims of domestic violence, , 1 East Wacker Dr., Suite 1630, Chicago, IL 60601, 312-527-0730, Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline: 877-863-6338
Lake County Sheriff’s Office – Order of Protection information:
Faith Trust Institute – a national, multi-faith, multicultural training and education organization to end domestic violence
Archdiocese of Chicago Family Ministries Domestic Violence Outreach – headed by Fr. Charles Dahm, offers extensive resources, training, help in setting up a congregational ministry, and an Interfaith Guide
Focus Ministries – located in the Western suburbs of Chicago, offers faith-based counseling and training for pastors, students, lay persons, and professionals
Multiple articles on domestic abuse in the Jewish community
Multiple articles on domestic abuse in the Christian community
Unites States Conference of Catholic Bishops include resources and the Catholic Church’s position against domestic violence:
Jeff Crippen, author of A Cry for Justice, whose mission is “Awakening the Evangelical Church to Domestic Violence and Abuse in its Midst.” Offers resources and blog.
Safe Relationships Magazine offers information and resources regarding understanding and healing from pathological relationships.
International Christian alliance working to transform relationships and end violence against women –
Weekly blog by pastor David Orrison on abuse and narcissists:
A Cry for Justice: How the Evil of Domestic Abuse Hides in Your Church, Jeff Crippen and Anna Wood, Calvary Press Publishing (2012)
Domestic Violence: What Every Pastor Needs to Know, Al Miles, Fortress Press (2011)
Seven Reasons Women Find Themselves in Abusive Relationships, John Shore, (2012)
Time’s Up: How to Escape Abusive and Stalking Relationships Guide, Susan Murphy-Milano, Dog Ear Publishing (2010)
Moving Out, Moving On: When a Relationship Goes Wrong Workbook, Susan Murphy-Milano, Kind Living Publishing (2005)
The Sociopath Next Door, Martha Stout, PhD, Harmony Books (2005)
Women Who Love Psychopaths: Inside the Relationships of Inevitable Harm with Psychopaths, Sociopaths and Narcissists, Sandra L. Brown, Mask Publishing (2010)
The Emotionally Destructive Marriage: How to Find your Voice and Reclaim your Hope, Leslie Vernick, Waterbrook, (2013)
The Emotionally Destructive Relationship: Seeing It, Stopping It, Surviving It, Leslie Vernick, Harvest House (2007)
The Verbally Abusive Relationship: How to Recognize It and How to Respond, Patricia Evans, Adams Media (2010)
Freeing Yourself from the Narcissist in Your Life, Linda Martinez-Lewi PhD, Penguin Books (2008)
Domestic Abuse and the Jewish Community: Perspectives form the First International Conference, Diane Gardsbane, Routledge (2005)
Abuse in the Jewish Community, Michael Salamon PhD, Urim Publications, (2011)
Not Under Bondage: Biblical Divorce for Abuse, Adultery and Desertion, Barbara Roberts, Maschil Press (2008)
Healing the Trauma of Abuse, Copeland and Harris, New Harbinger Publications (2000)
Healing the Trauma of Domestic Violence, Kubany et al, New Harbinger Publications (2004)
The Bible, Study Application Bible, New International Version, Tyndale House
Next Steps…
If you would like more information on AbuseCare, scheduling a presentation or workshop, one-on-one coaching, one-on-one divorce coaching, or our Bible studies and support groups, contact us now at 847-624-1511 or drop us an email at [email protected].